blue split-complementary color color palette
This color combination creates a dynamic and balanced palette. The blue provides a sense of calm and trust, while the orange and yellow add warmth and energy, creating a lively contrast. The purple adds a touch of luxury and depth, making the overall palette both vibrant and sophisticated.
blue split-complementary color color palette combination detail
Blue: Trust, Loyalty, Wisdom
A vibrant and calming color that represents the sky and the sea.
HEX: #0000FF
Orange: Energy, Creativity, Joy
A warm and inviting color that evokes feelings of enthusiasm and excitement.
HEX: #FFA500
Yellow: Happiness, Optimism, Clarity
A bright and cheerful color that symbolizes sunshine and positivity.
Purple: Luxury, Power, Ambition
A rich and regal color that conveys a sense of mystery and sophistication.
HEX: #800080