#003366 #ffffff #a8d600 color palette

This color combination represents a harmonious blend of trust, purity, and renewal. The dark blue provides a strong foundation of stability, while the white adds a sense of peace and simplicity. The lime green injects energy and a sense of growth, making this palette ideal for themes of innovation and fresh beginnings.

#003366 #ffffff #a8d600 color palette combination detail

Dark Blue: Trust, Loyalty, Wisdom

A deep, rich blue that evokes feelings of stability and confidence.

HEX: #003366

White: Purity, Simplicity, Peace

A clean and bright color that represents clarity and freshness.


Lime Green: Growth, Energy, Renewal

A vibrant green that symbolizes vitality and a fresh start.

HEX: #A8D600

Other #003366 #ffffff #a8d600 color palettes

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