#0000ff #006400 color palette
This color combination evokes a sense of trust and growth, blending the stability of blue with the renewal of dark green. The addition of white brings clarity and peace, while gold adds a touch of luxury and success, creating a harmonious and uplifting palette.
#0000ff #006400 color palette combination detail
Blue: Trust, Loyalty, Wisdom
A vibrant and bold blue that represents depth and stability.
HEX: #0000FF
Dark Green: Growth, Harmony, Renewal
A rich dark green that symbolizes nature and balance.
HEX: #006400
White: Purity, Simplicity, Peace
A clean and bright white that conveys clarity and freshness.
Gold: Wealth, Success, Luxury
A warm and radiant gold that signifies prosperity and achievement.
HEX: #FFD700