triadic colors for peach color palette
This triadic color combination creates a harmonious balance of warmth, tranquility, and joy. The peach serves as a warm base, while turquoise adds a refreshing contrast, lavender brings in a sense of peace, and golden yellow infuses energy and optimism.
triadic colors for peach color palette combination detail
Peach: Warmth, Comfort, Joy
A soft, warm color that evokes feelings of comfort and happiness.
Turquoise: Calmness, Creativity, Balance
A refreshing and tranquil color that promotes creativity and balance.
HEX: #40E0D0
Lavender: Serenity, Elegance, Peace
A soft, soothing color that represents serenity and elegance.
Golden Yellow: Optimism, Energy, Happiness
A bright, cheerful color that symbolizes optimism and energy.
HEX: #FFD700